Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #238: Data Arteries

Update #238: Data Arteries
Version Date
Nov. 6, 2020

Patch Notes

Update #238: Data Arteries

Update #238 continues some of the follow-up work from the major milestone CATALYST released last month. With this update, we've added 2 new Contacts and upgraded more Contact Traits to better enable Intel / Scientific Intel. We've also improved the dual-Intel system to better allow Contacts to be fully interested in both types. Finally, we've added a filter to the Contact list dedicated to Scientific Intel.

Away Team Community Challenge

We've kicked off a new Community Challenge for the month of November, challenging you to build your best Away Team of 3 and see how rich you can get exploring before someone falls.

New Contacts

Two new Contacts have joined the ranks of gravs. The Military Researcher provides rank, recruits Soldiers, sells Military Gear and buys Scientific Intel. The Retired Theoretician recruits Scientists, has Black Market potential, sells Specialist Gear and buys Scientific Intel. These two new additions help improve the recruitment tables, expands access to Scientists and adds more options for selling Scientific Intel.

Intel-Buying Traits

With Update #238, we've expanded the Contact Trait system around Traits that enable buying Intel. Contacts with Trait "Covert" and "Data Hound" are now always willing to buy Intel, even if they already bought Scientific Intel. Contacts with Trait "Researcher" and "Technologist" are now always willing to buy Scientific Intel even if they already bought Intel. These Traits now create cool situations in which a Contact will buy both, giving you even more avenues to Rep up with your Contacts.

Improved Filtering

To help you find Contacts who will buy your Scientific Intel, we've added a new filter to the Contact list specifically for Scientific Intel. The Intel filter is now only for faction espionage Intel, making it faster to find exactly what you need.

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

If word hasn't trickled down from the tippity top of the dome, seeped through the cracked concrete down to your safehouse, we've got news for you about our upcoming turn-based cyberpunk RPG. Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be coming to Steam in 2021 and mixes elements of stealth, hacking and tactical combat with deep RPG elements and base building. You'll want to Wishlist this puppy today because – that's right, you can get cyberdog and cybercat companions. If you didn't know, now you know.

v3.0.123 - 11/6/2020

- Added 2 new Contact types – Military Researcher and Retired Theoretician offering variety of buying Scientific Intel, recruits, rank and permit
- Added Contact list filter for "Buys Scientific Intel" separate from "Buys Intel"
- Contacts with Trait "Covert" and "Data Hound" are now always willing to buy Intel
- Contacts with Trait "Researcher" and "Technologist" are now always willing to buy Scientific
- Fixed issues with Intel buying Traits when overlapping with Contact type services, Contacts with such Traits might by both types of Intel
- Improved clarity in a few places with Scientific Intel, fixed other typos