Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #239: Send Blades, Guns and Hex!

Update #239: Send Blades, Guns and Hex!
Version Date
Nov. 17, 2020

Patch Notes

Update #239: Send Blades, Guns and Hex!

Update #239 cuts down another major content milestone on our dev roadmap by delivering a heaping mile of new guns, armor and gear. With 22 new high level pieces of equipment added – between Contacts, ship's weapon lockers and Salvage-ready relics – there is a bevy of new stuff to go hunting. We know your officers will be bickering over who gets what!

With this major new blast of equipment, we're excited to announce we've far exceeded the content expansion for weapons, armor and gear and have officially struck it from the roadmap. We had it penciled in at 200% and this new set has brought us over the 300% line. It is high time to knock it from the list and move on to what is next! As with all the content expansion milestones, this is not a promise that we won't add more later :D

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

If you haven't heard the rumors of Cyber Knights: Flashpoint crackling across the matrix in 2231, maybe you should just read about it on! They've just helped us share our upcoming turn-based cyberpunk RPG. Cyber Knights: Flashpoint which is on its way to Steam in 2021. Mixing elements of stealth, hacking and tactical combat, Flashpoint is a true turn-based tactics RPG. You'll want to Wishlist this puppy today because – that's right, you can get cyberdog and cybercat companions. If you didn't know, now you know.

Weapon Locker A6

To the tune of over $350,000 and requiring a starport with Military Rating 10, the A6 is the most difficult of weapon lockers to secure for your ship. However, boasting grade 6 Phoenix-class weaponry and armor, it provides the easiest full-team access to the most powerful weaponry. The A6 focuses on providing a direct ramp up in power and utility from the A5. However, as these are mid to late game weaponry, a small percentage of the Accuracy bonus points have been shaved off (usually 1-2 pts) and dedicated their value to the Damage, Parry, Init and Piercing scores.

Enemy ships – especially those of the military design – will start to install A6 in mid to late game as of Update #238, so be sure to be ready for their harder hits.

Grade 5 Gear

All Contacts who sell gear – specialist, military or wing – now offer grade 5. Some powerful and truly cool items are landing with this update including the new GAATSO Interlink and Mammothshot.

Destroying Ships to Support Conflicts

The ramifications of destroying enemy ships during Solar War and Trade War Conflicts was not previously well expressed in the game. We've now added it to the tooltips for Conflicts and slightly expanded the rule for Trade Wars.

If you destroy a Military Officer, Bounty Hunter, Zealot, Spy or Pirate ship during a Solar War, you strike a blow in the Conflict for the other faction and gain Rep with that faction. If you destroy a Smugger, Merchant or Pirate (new addition!) during a Trade War, you strike a blow as well.

This is another great way you can take action in Conflicts on top of all the other options.

v3.0.125 - 11/16/2020

- Added ship component Weapon Locker A6 provides Phoenix-class weapons and armor (6 new weapons, 3 new armors)
- Contacts now sell up to grade 5 for all gear types (Military, Specialist, Wing)
- Added 4 new grade 5 gears (Mammothshot, Cambre Cutter, GAATSO Interlink, Vrax Harness)
- Added 6 new ultra rare level 9 Relic Weapons (Towerblade, Kiret Karat, Titan Heavy, Arbitration Breacher, Otrike Mauler, Solar Viper Heavy)
- Added 3 new ultra rare level 8 Relic Armors (Frozburn Mesh, Strak Heavy, Gauzlight Stern)
- Rebalanced prices of Armor for sale by Contact and found salvaging
- Rebalanced prices of Weapons found salvaging
- Minor bebalance to some level 5 and 6 gear, Bladeguide Aegis, Plasfire Cutter
- Added rules for supporting Conflicts by destroying ships to Conflict tooltips
- Destroy Merchant, Smuggler or Pirate ships to support Trade War and gain Rep
- Destroy Military Officer, Bounty Hunter, Zealot, Spy or Pirate ships to support Trade War and gain Rep