Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #247: Chasing Whispers

Update #247: Chasing Whispers
Version Date
Jan. 3, 2021

Patch Notes

Update #247: Chasing Whispers

Happy New Year captains! We're excited to share another big year of updates in the void with you. To get 2021 started right, we're sending out Update #247 with two new major Contact service offerings for Rumors, improved rules for paying to uncover Rumors and a very nice improvement to the Star Atlas straight from the community boards.

We're also excited to say, its 2021 now and this will be the year our turn-based cyberpunk heist RPG will be coming to Steam. Cyber Knights: Flashpoint mixes stealth, hacking and tactical combat with deep RPG elements and a unique heist system for missions. The wishlist button is calling your name, Knight. If you didn't know, now you know.

Economic and Recruitment Rumors

Joining Salvage Rumors mongers, many Contacts across the galaxy are now plugged into networks of Rumors through their Spice Halls and Exchanges. Some Contacts can now sell access to economic Rumors like Salvage, Surplus and Embargoes while other Contacts can sell access to recruitment-focused Rumors like Spice Festivals, Mercenaries and Academy Graduation.

While the Contacts can only reveal existing Rumors, these offerings can give your captain's focused ability to turn up Rumors that they might go hunting for profit or talent. As with Salvage Rumors before them, the value of these new services are dependent on your captain's ability to take advantage of the conditions but with the right playstyle, these are proving to be very useful.

Uncovering and Extending Rumors

With Update #247, we've improved the rule set around paying to learn Rumors. It is key to know that you are always paying to learn a pre-existing Rumor. These Contact services do not create Rumors and it is not that hard to find a case where your Contact has no Rumors to sell or you've purchased them all.

However, sometimes the ones you pay to discover are far away or are just about to end. With Update #247, we've adjusted the rules to ensure a duration boost is given to every Rumor you pay to uncover, guaranteeing you'll always have *some* time to check it of if you want to.

Star Atlas Improvements

Straight from the community boards, we've patched the Star Atlas to include the quadrant name in the left hand list of planets whenever you are using the multi-quadrant filter. Without this data, it could be a bit hard to piece together where all of the zones might be situated as multiple quadrants could be 2 jumps away. It's a very nice improvement, so many thanks as always to our community.

Finally, we fixed a bug with the Spirit of Cadonya storyline that could leave it half-failed in case of losing a specific combat. And we've also resolved the issue with the Entropic Estimate Talent reporting incorrect dates.

v3.1.17 - 1/3/2020

- Many contacts can now sell access to Economic Rumors – shortages, surplus, embargo, tariffs
- Many contacts can now sell access to Recruitment Rumors – mercs, academy graduation, UCF recruitment drives, starport booms
- Paying a Contact to reveal a Rumor (Salvage, Economic, Recruitment) breathes new duration into the rumor – will no longer ever be "expiring soon"
- Star Atlas now shows quadrant name when jump filter is engaged
- Fixed issue in Jon Kaytyn storyline where a failed combat could leave the mission half-failed
- Fixed incorrect date in Entropic Estimate Talent