Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #255: Economic Warfare

Update #255: Economic Warfare
Version Date
March 2, 2021

Patch Notes

Update #255: Economic Warfare

Update #255 introduces a major new way for Merchants and other traders to get involved in Trade Ban, Trade War, and Trade Alliance Conflicts. We've also made some major QOL improvements to crew combat's log and hover, fixed two longstanding bugs with craft and hammered out some more requests coming in from the community. Thanks for all your support and if you like the pace of updates, be sure to leave a review.

Speaking of new, new new – if word hasn't trickled down from the tippity top of the New Boston spires, leaked below the streets and drip-drip-dripped into your safehouse, we're here to tell you about our upcoming turn-based cyberpunk heist RPG. Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be coming to Steam in 2021 and mixes stealth, hacking and tactical combat with deep RPG elements and a unique heist system for missions. The wishlist button is calling your name, Knight.

Trade Conflicts

Every type of Conflict has its angles for you to get involved and tip the scales in the favor of one faction or another. Blockading and merchant hunting has long been the angle for Trade Wars and Trade Bans but with Update #255 we've opened up a new attack vector – legal trading at the Exchange! Any time you make a trade over $5,000 that violates a Trade Ban or Trade War, your action can cost you Rep but will also support the opposing faction in the Conflict and increase their Conflict score by 1-4 points. In addition, any $5,000 or higher trade in an Exchange with two factions in a Trade Alliance supports the local faction and increases their economic power within the scales of balance of that Trade Alliance. The politics of the Star Traders are petty and feudal – someone always emerges the victor, even in Alliances.

This important set of updates invites merchants more actively to the Conflict table and prepares for the next big round of open-ended missions that will be coming to the game – Conflict missions – where you will be paid to adjust a Conflict Score by a certain amount by whatever means you can. Having more options will increase the variability of play in these missions, so expect some more Conflict Score angles appearing before these missions slide into your update feed.

Crew Combat Logs and Hover

A special thanks to @Pilda on Steam this week for a spot on suggestion for easy ways to improve the crew combat log. We jumped on the simple suggestion and have much nicer, much more readable crew combat logs coming out this week. Based on everyone's feedback, we'll make further improvements and then ship combat logs will get a similar treatment in the next update.

In a reverse operation, we're working to upgrade crew combat hovers over characters to include the level of detail about your dice pools for accuracy and defense equal to what you can see in ship combat. With this update, we compressed and improved the overall layout of crew combat hovers to prep for this data injection. The biggest improvement this week is if you have a lot of buffs or debuffs going, things should be much more readable.

Craft Launch and Repair

We fixed two important craft bugs with this update – when you launch a craft an enemy ship now properly interprets this as a hostile move. It is considered as hostile as firing a weapon and reduces the enemy ship's hostility, which will trigger a fight response if they are unable to flee. Second, we fixed a longstanding issue with the Talent "Hangar Triage" which was failing to take Repair Skill into account properly and always only repairing at 10%.

[h2[And a Bit More
Thanks to everyone in the community posting feedback, bugs and suggestions. We're constantly tracking and recording everything coming in. This week we hit on a few more smaller items that came through. We caught up on another set of places were Rep loss for Indies was being reported incorrectly – the Black Market, stealing Fuel and with the Terrifying Extortion Talent. Thanks to everyone dutifully reporting this issue.

We also fixed a bug with Call of the Strong's Russ Axeil where he could end up with 2 Traits that gave a second recruiting option, and based on the order you discovered them you'd only be able to recruit one or the other in the end. This is fixed for all future iterations of Russ.

v3.1.37 - 3/1/2020

- Trading $5,000 credits in violation of Trade Ban or Trade War or into a Trade Alliance increases the Conflict Score of supported faction
- Improved crew combat logs color and formatting to make them easier to read during and after battle
- Improved crew combat hover over characters
- Fixed issue with "Hangar Triage" Talent not correctly taking Repair Skill into account
- Launching craft correctly adjusts enemy ship's hostility
- Fixed issue stating that taking Fuel from a non-Pirate defeated indie ship would cause you Rep loss
- "Terrifying Extortion" Talent no longer reports Rep loss with indies, Black Market no longer reports Rep loss with indies
- Fixed issue with Russ Axeil having two recruit Traits for future captains