Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #260: Ancient Practice

Update #260: Ancient Practice
Version Date
April 1, 2021

Patch Notes

Update #260: Ancient Practice

Every major new update and expansion deserves a couple of solid Quality of Life follow up updates, and this is the first in that vein. We've added exciting new faction affinity's for specialist recruits, including a section in a crew roster detailing Trait and Gear bonus summary, further tuned economic and Contact simulation, fixed issues with Shock Trooper Talents, some of the new weapons and fixed a bevy of other community reported issues.

Thanks to every new captain for your support and especially to those leaving reviews!

What’s the latest on Cyber Knights?

Development on our next game, Cyber Knights: Flashpoint, is continuing as we march toward the alpha test for Kickstarter backers and then on to Steam Early Access. Thankfully, we're finally be able to come clean about the true reason for the game's delays. Get on the hype, punch that wishlist button.

Faction Affinity

As we've added Jobs all the way up to #38 with Shock Trooper, we've started linking highly specialized Jobs to certain factions and granting them a Attribute bonus when recruited from that faction. The first was Blade Dancers – which is an ancient and traditional Steel Song practice – and Steel Song. Of course, the other factions have learned the practice, but the best Blade Dancers (may, all things depending) hail from Steel Song. Saboteurs have a faction affinity to Rychart and the Shock Trooper has an affinity to Cadar.

With Update #260, we've added those affinities clearly to the new game screen where you are picking factions and seeing their unique bonuses and special rules. We have also added 2 new faction affinities – there is no tougher defender than a Zenrin Bodyguard and if you truly want an ace pilot, look no farther than a Alta Mesa Wing Leader.

Trait and Gear Bonuses

We've now included a section in every crew member's roster dedicated to the summary of all bonuses granted by Traits and Gear. This can be a quick way to see the full effect of the choices and mutations your character has and is super helpful when evaluating officer potential!

Economic and Contact Simulation

We've rebalanced the economics of 2 major trade goods – Terraforming Components and Spice Extractors to ensure they are more profitable in trade routes. We've also adjusted the Influence and action rates for some of the more powerful Contact types including High Prince, UCF Emissary and Fleet Commander.

Shock Trooper Fixes

We've fixed the last few things about Shock Trooper that were outstanding. In the Talent detail for their counterattack Talent, "Retaliation", is now correctly stated that if you have trained Bracing Shot, that is the Talent the Shock Trooper will counter with, otherwise Close Blast will be used. And finally, we've fixed a bug with "To the Front" which was always moving the Shock Trooper and not the target of the buff.

Other QOL

We resolve issues with 3 weapons that were released in Update #259 not having the correct stats – Paratitan HG, Otrike Domer, Solar Dragoon. We've also resolve an issue that was causing Thulun on map v2 default to have an 11 jump Arbiter mission which had potential impact on a lot of different maps, given the whims of proc gen. Finally, we've resolved an issue where purchasing a Military Rank would temporarily allow you to use the services of any landing zone regardless of faction rep.

v3.1.47 - 4/1/2021

- Added new "Traits + Gear" display in Crew Details to show summary of all effects
- Bodyguards recruited from Zenrin spice hall or Contacts will have best Attributes
- Wing Leaders recruited from Alta Mesa spice hall or Contacts will have best Attributes
- Added faction affinity (such as Shock Trooper + Cadar) to list of faction special rules in New Game
- Rebalanced the economics and trade for "Terraforming Components" making them more profitable
- Increased galactic production of "Spice Extractors" in Industrial and Orbital Zones
- Increased Influence Base and Growth Rates for: Fleet Commander, Emissary and High Prince
- Increased Hull Points for Boarding Shuttle Small Craft at Level 5 and above
- Fixed issue where buying a rank temporarily allows you to use landed services with large negative Rep
- Fixed issue with Shock Trooper "To the Front" moving the Shock Trooper and not the buff target
- Fixed issues with low stats on level 10 weapons – Paratitan HG, Otrike Domer, Solar Dragoon
- Fixed incorrect Talent detail in side panel for Retaliation, which uses Bracing Shot in its counter-attack if available
- Fixed issue with Thulun start on Map V2 default that could lead to an 11 jump Arbiter Escort mission