Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #261: Ultra Heavy

Update #261: Ultra Heavy
Version Date
April 11, 2021

Patch Notes

Update #261: Ultra Heavy

Update #261 comes in with a new ultra heavy Mass 9000 ship launching to the stars paired with two new M9000 battle hyperwarp drives and a M9000 Dual-Field Void Engine. What a package! We've also rounded out the faction affinities set with 4 new affinities for Thulun, De Valtos, Javat and Moklumnue. Update #261 brings a few tweaks to combat Talents that will help negative Bleed Res be featured in more strategies as well as adjusting the Jyeeta craft weaponry (watch out, bombers incoming!) to ensure their bombers and interdictors are hitting with the right punch.

It's a big one with a lot of new content, so enjoy it! If you're liking the steady stream of free updates and expansions, be sure to tell a friend and leave a review.

Speaking of new, new, new-new: if word hasn't trickled down from the tippity top of the New Boston spires, leaked below the streets and drip-drip-dripped into your safehouse, we're here to tell you about our upcoming turn-based cyberpunk heist RPG. Cyber Knights: Flashpoint coming to Steam which mixes stealth, hacking and tactical combat with deep RPG elements and a unique heist system for missions. The wishlist button is calling your name, Knight.

New Ultra Heavy M9000 Battlecarrier

De Valtos has released its entry into the Mass 9000 class of ships in classically De Valtos style – with great pomp, Mass, and circumstance! The mighty Dreadnought Battlecarrier is a 9000 Mass ship sporting 2500 Hull (exceeding Sword BC by 400), 135 Base Fuel (average in class), a crew/officer max of 42/7, 6 max craft and 12 Small / 12 Medium and 8 Large (best in class) components. Outfitted as a super carrier the price tag is very De Valtos as well at $3,981,250.

A new entry in the Mass 9000 class is sure to shake up the meta of those captain's stepping onto the bridge of the largest ships in the game during the mid-to-late game. The Dreadnought is spec'd out for ships that want more Large slot components, including launch bays or super-class weapon systems like the Obliterator Plasma Cannons, Buster Arrays or the most powerful Gravcannons.

New M9000 Engine and Hyperwarps

The M9000 Dual-Field Void Engine extends this well-loved line of engines up to the highest mass class of any ship. Bringing a balance approach to engine statistics along with a much lower Mass requirement, the M9000 Dual-Field adds 12 Jump Cost but burns off 650 Mass. All for a pretty price of about $1.4m credits this new engine can help free up mass on a large scale ship to be spent on other priorities.

The Combat and Warhammer Hyperwarp Drives each add PIlot bonus to their profile along with significant Armor (3 and 7) and Jump Cost (40 and 50). Trading up into one of these drives can help reduce the need to dedicate other components to armor for a ship designed more for battle than for long range travel. If you're shopping for Drives, be sure to check "Any Faction" in the ship component filters so you'll spot the Warhammer Drive only sold by Thulun and the M9000 Performance Drive only sold by Moklumnue (which has been in the game a while).

New Faction Affinities

In the last few updates, we've been loading up each faction with exciting affinities that result in the best possible Attribute bonuses when a certain Job is recruited from their spice hall or Contacts. We've now completed the set, hitting a few very core Job notes in the process. Each faction affinity is listed in the new game faction list screen under their special rules. These faction affinities grant an extra bonus on top of any existing Attribute bonuses that you are getting from Traits, Talents, zone stats, Era, recruit level, etc.
  • Diplomats from Thulun
  • Scavengers from Javat
  • Swordsman from De Valtos
  • Merchants from Moklumnue (could it be any other way!?)
There is no bonus during the new game process (if your captain starts as a Thulun Diplomat, for example).

Crew Combat Rebalance

With Update #261 we've tweaked the balance of three talents – Shock Trooper's "Deepstrike Grenade" and Blade Dancer's "Thousand Cut Dance" and "Squall of Blades" to add negative Bleed Resistance. Apply negative Bleed Res can increase existing Bleeds, which helps set up more synergistic strategies for the Talents. Hitting them with both a Bleed and negative Bleed Res can spike Bleeding damage as high as possible. In the case of Deepstrike Grenade, this addition was swapped in for the -2 Init penalty.

Jyeeta Bombers Beware!

We found and fixed a bug that was interjected into the set of Jyeeta craft at some point after their release. The Interdictor ended up with the higher power bomb and the bomber with a lower power rocket. This has now been fixed and will make attacking Jyeeta Interdictors less of a threat but definitely increases the threat from Jyeeta Bombers. Be sure to have your craft mitigation strategy firmly in place before flying headlong into the maw of the Jyeeta Brood!

v3.1.49 - 4/11/2021

- New Ship: Dreadnought Battlecarrier (De Valtos, 9000M Ultra-Heavy Battlecarrier)
- New Engine: M9000 Dual-Field ($1.1M Credits)
- Rebalanced M9000 Combat and Warhammer Hyperwarp Drives
- Added 4 new faction affinities for recruits
- Scavengers recruited from Javat spice halls or Contacts gain additional bonus Attributes
- Merchants recruited from Moklumnue spice halls or Contacts gain additional bonus Attributes
- Diplomats recruited from Thulun spice halls or Contacts gain additional bonus Attributes
- Swordsman recruited from De Valtos spice halls or Contacts gain additional bonus Attributes
- Rebalanced Deepstrike Grenade: Removed -2 Init Penalty, Added -5 Bleed Res Debuff
- Added Bleed Res Debuff to Blade Dancer Talents Thousand Cut Dance, Squall of Blades
- Improved HUD ship/crew refresh to avoid any caching issues during operation card games
- Fixed weapon mix-up in Jyeeta bombers and interdictors – watch out, bombers now hit harder
- Fixed tooltip on shuttle's Electronics to be clear it adds to Boarding Chance %
- Fixed misnamed Dragoon Injector