Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #267: In the Engine Room

Update #267: In the Engine Room
Version Date
June 14, 2021

Patch Notes

Update #267: In the Engine Room

Summer has slowed our pace of updates down a little bit but still, the updates must flow. Update #267 improves Saboteur's highest level Talent, ensures that the captain's log always includes key details about story-added ship components, improves combat logging for mid-combat repair Talents, and finally hides hidden Trait bonuses from the character list effect summary. Along with a heap of community requested tweaks and fixes, it also has some important items for the modding creator community who continues to put together some really exciting stuff in advance of the upcoming full launch of mods for Star Traders: Frontiers.

Speaking of moar, better, faster – if word hasn't trickled down from the tippity top of the New Boston spires, leaked below the streets and drip-drip-dripped into your safehouse, we're here to tell you about our upcoming turn-based cyberpunk heist RPG. Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be coming to Steam in 2022 and mixes stealth, hacking and tactical combat with deep RPG elements and a unique heist system for missions. The wishlist button is calling your name, Knight.

Engine Disruption

Saboteur's powerful rank 15 Talent is the rare exception that allows you to always damage the enemy void engine. It's powerful but when we set it up, we included one major balancing requirement – that the Void Engine have 0% Damage. Thanks to helpful feedback from the community, we've eased this restriction back to 25%. The 0% rule was preventing the Talent from being used in all sorts of cases and making it hard to mix and match ship weapons and boarding and the Talent successfully as a glancing hit would do 6% Damage to the Engine and tank your opening boarding strategy.

Saboteur on!

Story-Driven Ship Components and Craft

There are many different storylines that result in special ship components and craft being added to the starports, and most often faction-specific starports. These are explained in dialog, but that can be too easy to miss and so with this update we've ensured that whenever you encounter one of these story events, it always writes a clear and concise captain's log entry that includes the key details – the component name, slot size, type and faction, if it is limited.

Mid-Combat Repair

Those ship combat Talents like the Mechanic's "Rushed Patches" that effect mid-combat repair now include the full list of repaired components in the ship combat log. This helps cut down any detective work you might have been doing to figure out what exactly was repaired by 28%!

Effect Summary and Hidden Traits

The awesome new effect summary on each crew roster entry had one flaw – it could be used to reveal hidden Traits as it was including their bonuses. We've now resolved this issue and hidden Traits are now longer factored into the summary.

Type-Locked Components

Your Bridge, Engine and Hyperwarp Drive are all type-locked components. This means you can't replace them with a component of any other type. To help reinforce this, we've added the type-locked icon to more screens – the ship preview and component replacement screens. This is helpful as we've also granted the ability for modders to type-lock anything they want on any ship in this update, so for mods that perhaps force hangar bays, weapon slots, explorer slots or cargo slots on ships, this extra reinforced display will be critical.

And More…

And more of course! We have resolved an issue where crew conscripted from United Coalition ships had no Traits. There were a few Talents that stated they could "reroll any card" which has been fixed to "reroll any risk card." You will no longer lose Templar Rep for one of the steps in the middle of the "Avengent Down" story mission. The gear "Falcon Reticle" now correctly buffs Ranged Accuracy instead of Melee.

For the Modders

When it arrives (as the modder update lags a bit for extra testing), it will contain a number of nice improvements for our beta creators. In the utility bucket, the main menu now includes a "MODS ENABLED" badge that can help you be sure when you're running the modded version. We've also added a "Self Test" button to the main menu which will run some of our automated tests on your database, checking to make sure all the images and components load.

In the feature bucket, we've enabled the use of data.ShipDataCompartment.typeLocked field to type-lock any component on any ship. This opens up a whole world of exciting possibilities to really change the use-case for a ship. With type-locking you can force a ship to be carrier, or an orbital operations focused boat or a gunship with 6 guns. The AI will also adhere to these rules.

Finally, to help with graphical mods each mod can now include its own sprite sheet that overrides the baseline sprite sheets. This allows modders to add new icons and images without having to compete of the same set of baseline sprite sheets or every worry about merges.

v3.1.67 - 6/14/2021

- Improved Saboteur's Engine Disruption to allow it to work if Engine is less than 25% damaged
- All story events that add ship components to starports clearly list Faction, component name and slot size in the captain's log
- Ship combat Talents that repair components mid-combat now report exact list of repaired components in log
- Effect Summary of all bonuses in crew roster no longer includes bonuses from unknown Traits
- Type locked ship components (hyperwarp, bridge, engine) are shown locked in ship upgrade screen
- Fixed issue where Conscripted United Coalition crew had no starting Traits
- Fixed description of "Mitigation Protocols" and "Unflinching Risk" to read "reroll any risk card"
- Fixed issues with Dissension/Consolidation not affecting all story dialog in Plague Era
- Fixed gear "Falcon Reticle" to correctly buff ranged accuracy
- Fixed Templar Rep loss during one step of mission "Avengent Down"
- Added "Kraesline Shards" and "Jyeeta Xeno Artifacts" to the wiki

- Each mod can now provide its own uniquely named spritesheet to overload core game art
- Ship components can be locked by type using the data.ShipCompartment.typeLocked field