Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #289: Rumors of Rumors

Update #289: Rumors of Rumors
Version Date
Feb. 10, 2022

Patch Notes

Update #289: Rumors of Rumors

Update #289 takes a turn and swings back through the Rumor section of the simulation to see the completion of some long needed tweaks and the addition of a Rumor affinities system that helps better match Rumors to applicable systems and zones to deliver more compelling and impactful results. We've also fixed and improved a number of other things with Update #289, working from community requests – blocking more early game Rumors, repricing the Explorer extraction components and fixing odd bugs with the new ship comparison display. Plus, from our on-going work with the modding community, we've improved some of the visual modding support and are looking forward to the upcoming release of some new exciting character design mods.

What’s the latest on Cyber Knights?

Earlier this month, we launched Cyber Knights: Flashpoint’s private alpha test for Kickstarter backers, following the same tried-and-true process we used for Star Traders: Frontiers. With a thousand players in the game now, development pace has picked up and we’re on the long march to release on Steam, so make sure you’ve wishlisted (and followed!), or join us for behind-the-scenes discussion and development snapshots in our Discord.

Rumor Affinities

With Update #289, we've added a new system of Rumor affinities that improves the matching between the system and zone type and the Rumors that can be generated along with it. This system both helps to avoid certain silly situations – such a Surplus on a Lux Population world that produces nothing – but also strengthens the thematic appearance of Rumors in the right places – Mining zones are more prone to civil unrest, oceanic systems are more prone to Ion Storms, Farm zones are more likely to have Surpluses, Orbital zones are often running into Shortages. We've loaded in about the first 30 affinity matches and are excited to keep extending and improving this system.

The new Rumor affinities system also gave us a chance to review and improve some of the Contact events taken in response to Contact actions taken when a positive economic Rumor was on their zone. We have increased the strength of these actions – helping an ally, creating an additional positive Rumor, gaining Influence by 20% – making the impact of positive economic news felt more strongly.

We have also improved the text on many of the event logs for Rumors (bottom right) as well as the entries going into the captain's log to ensure they are more helpful and clear.

Early Game Rumor Blocks

To avoid unfair and messy situations in the first 2 years of the game, we've extended the block on certain Rumor types in the early game. Previously, this type of blocking was reserved for Xeno related Rumors, but now you will no longer encounter the following Rumors in the first 900 Turns of the game: Starport Closed, Civil Unrest, Ion Storm or Meteor Storm. Have more fun flying in your first years :D

Templar Contact Age & Recruiting

We've done some work with #289 to improve support of Templar Contacts. Templar and all Zendu Contacts have received an even longer age limit before they may die of old age. We've also fixed a number of places where the game could report – through filters, search or services list – that Templar and Zendu Contacts could offer services, such as Recruiting, that they really do not. Thanks to everyone for reporting these issues.

Rebalance Explorer Components

With Update #287, we've adjusted the purchase and repair cost for some of the most powerful Exploration components – Extraction Drill, Harvester Bay, Resource Processor and Javat Mechi-Reaper. For their value in the field, and ability to greatly increase profits from exploring, their costs had dipped too low. Constantly damaged by their use in exploring, finding the right value for their repairs is key.

Bug Sweep Up

Update #289 fixed a couple of key issues that came out of the last few updates. First, zones with 0 Starport rating – which rare – could crash the game if your ship had certain levels of damage to it when you tried to land. Second, if you debuffed an enemy ship hard enough, its ship comparison could go "all the way around" and start reporting that it was superior to you!

Improved Mod Support

We've got some exciting work brewing in the modding community and to support that we've made some improvements to the game's handling of hair, hats and beards to help the modders keep making progress toward some awesome releases. If you haven't checked out the Workshop recently, don't miss all the different options to tweak gameplay, character visuals, add story, jobs and more –

v3.2.29 - 2/10/2022

- Removed "Stardock Closed", "Starport Closed" and "Civil Unrest" Rumors from early game
- Removed "Ion Storm" and "Meteor Storm" Rumors from early game
- Increased Influence Economy via Rumors by 20%, making all Contacts more powerful
- Created New Zone and Planet Rumor affinities to tie Zone/Planet Types to thematically consistent Rumor Types
- Revised & Improved Rumor Lifecycle Logging
- Fixed issue where heavy debuffing could cause ship comparison to go "all the way around" and flip comparison
- Clarified in-game Wisdom hover
- Fixed issue where Recruiting or Rank services could show up for Templar Contact incorrectly
- Increased the maximum Contact age of Zendu and Templar Contacts
- Repriced & Rebalanced "Extraction Drill, Harvester Bay, Resource Processor, Javat Mechi-Reaper" Components
- Fixed crash landing on Starport: 0 Zones with a damaged ship
- Improved support for modders adding new head / hair / beard / hat combos