Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #296: Interdiction Scourge

Update #296: Interdiction Scourge
Version Date
June 1, 2022

Patch Notes

Update #296: Interdiction Scourge

You can hear the Interdictor engines screaming as they whip out of the launch day – one, two, three rushing headlong into the void, rushing to meet the incoming torpedoes and bomber wings. Update #296 dives back into the high-adrenaline life of a defensive Wing Leader and helps buff up their ability to stop incoming Bombers from reaching the capital ship. Also, with this update, we've rebalanced and tweaked how all anti-Radiation and Ion Storm Talents work (better!) so check that out as well. A huge thanks to everyone posting feedback, the great discussions about balance.

If you are enjoying the on-going updates, be sure to tell a friend and leave a review.

Want more Trese Brothers sci-fi?

We always love seeing how many of you have pieced together the lore of Star Traders from the stories within, and enjoy the flavor of this universe your Captain is a part of. In our next game, we’re telling a very different sci-fi story but with the same depth we bring to all our worlds. Check out the dark-future feel of our upcoming cyberpunk heist RPG, and wishlist it today!

Defensive Interdictors

With Update #296, we've integrated some great feedback from the community (thanks @Innocent!) to help improve the balance in favor of defensive Interdictors having a better shot at really stopping enemy bombers from reaching your ship, even as they shoot down incoming capital ship long-range fire.

First, defensive Interdictor Initiative has been adjusted to always trump that of Bombers. Therefore, defensive Interdictors always get an attack against an incoming Bomber before it can complete its bombing run, removing the chance that the Bomber wallops your capital ship and then your Interdictor shoots it down.

Second, we've fixed a long-standing issue (which also could cause a crash at times) where the Wing Tech "Knock from the Void" Talent could conflict with an Interdictor's targeting choice and cause the Interdictor to miss its turn because its target was Knocked. Interdictors are now coordinating with your ship's Wing Tech to make their choices around this and will never waste a turn, assuming there is another Bomber target. If a target is Knocked from the Void, then it is not subject to any attacks for the turn (that has always been the rule).

Anti-Radiation and Ion Storm Talents

Navigators, E-Techs, Engineers and Scientists all provide Talents to help shield your ship and crew from Radiation Storms (quadrant) and Ion Storm (system) Rumors. With this update, the balance on these Talents has adjusted a bit, as some can provide additional XP or even create Scientific Intel. All of the Talents now shield your ship and crew from the ravages of the storm while still capable of granting additional bonuses (the XP boosters / Intel creators used to not shield you…). In addition, while you have the Talents on cooldown, these have gone from a partial shielding (reducing damage) to a full shield (no damage). So, stocking up on a few crew members with these capabilities is even more helpful now for your ship than before.

To offset this balance shift, we've adjusted the cooldown on these Talents by a small amount – +1 week for the regular shields and +3 to +4 weeks for the ones that pack extra bonuses.

Additional Fixes

With #296, we've also fixed a search string issue with searching contacts (you could search "sells weapon" but needed to search "buy Intel") and updated the hover text to be clear – buys / sells is correct in all searches.

We've fixed a visual display issue in upgrading components where the bonuses from your components stacked every time you opened the screen (+4% … then +8% … then …) – now the values stay correct in the display all the time.

Finally, thanks for the report on the broken hat – the character's hair no longer sticks out through hats :D Derp!

v3.2.43 - 6/1/2022

- Defensive Interdictors always trump attacking Bombers Initiative
- Knock from the Void Talent no longer crosses badly with defensive Interdictors and prevents bombing attacks
- Improved effect of all anti-Radiation and Ion Storm Talents; when available they completely mitigate damage
- Extended cooldowns of all anti-Radiation and Ion Storm Talents 10-30 Turns
- Fixed issues with Scientist "Amplified Assay" and "Distortion Field Survey" not triggering for Ion Storms or Rad Storms
- Fixed search string for contact to use buys/sells (Buys Intel, Sells Weaponry) instead of buy/sells
- Fixed crash with small craft combat and Knock from the Void or Emergency Grounding
- Fixed issue with ship bonus displays doubling and tripling upon multiple opens of upgrade components
- Fixed issue with hair clipping around hat