Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #304: Sensor Array Seeking

Update #304: Sensor Array Seeking
Version Date
Nov. 4, 2022

Patch Notes

Update #304: Sensor Array Seeking

As Update #304 installs itself into your local starport with some important component rebalances and a host of new high-level components to shop, we're also excited to share the November community challenge - it's a Pirate's Life (For Me!)

Check out the full details of the update below and a huge thanks to everyone sharing the game, leaving a review and posting feedback and suggestions onto the Steam boards.

Our upcoming heist RPG is on the way!

Right now ~1,000 of the Kickstarter backers for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint have access to the game’s private alpha and are giving us great feedback as the game gets closer to Early Access. We also have some public demos on our roadmap for events coming up this fall. Make sure you’ve wishlisted and followed Cyber Knights for news and a special discount when it’s released!

New Garden Outposts

The worlds of the Star Traders scattered across the quadrants are many, and we're excited to add two more art boards for landing zones to Garden world outposts.

Sensor Arrays Rebalances and Gain Lvl 5

With Update #304, we've revisited the catalog of Sensor Arrays and made some adjustments to ensure their progression is clearly expressed. Sensor Arrays provide more consistent bonuses across their progression from rank 1 to 4 and their installation and repair times are also correctly aligned with other small slot components.

In addition, a new 5th rank Sensor Array 5 has come online granting best in class Navigation and attack bonuses as well as and matched Electronics with Sensor Array 4.

The requirements for starports that can install Signature Dampeners have also been increased a bit as part of this rebalance.

Orbital Scoop 5

The estimates for all Orbital Scoop components were slightly too high and have been adjusted for this update. This should help prevent players from expecting more during fuel returned during Orbital operations. A good thing, now there is an Orbital Scoop 5 component that can provide the best in class scooping for your reduced fuel cost. Install a few of these for free ops!

Small Slot Medical Options

A new small slot Advanced Medical Chamber has joined the family and offers a superior +3 Medical Rating though it comes with neither Armor nor Shielding bonuses. The Shielded Medical Chamber now adds +2 Jump Cost to help keep it balanced within the small slot medical component options and keep it fairly weighted against the Reinforced Medical Chamber.

Advanced Hangar

In another win of a long run of wins for carriers, the Advanced Hangar Bay is now for sale in Thulun starports across the galaxy. Built for those captains looking to take an aggressive stance, the Advance Hangar Bay provides a place for a craft, bonus fuel and aggressive bonuses against enemy craft.

Ship Repricing

With the changes to components and all the adjustments to costs over the last few months, we've taken a moment to correct some ship prices. The Caliga Vindex has been raised to $2.1m credits and the Shizari Huntress has gained a much needed bump to $1.2m. These changes match up to the components installed on the hulls and ensure prize ship and resale prices provide fair values in the starport market.

v3.3.9 - 11/3/2022

- Added two new "Valley View" Garden World outpost images
- Added new component "Advanced Medical Chamber" (Size 1)
- Added new component "Sensor Array 5" (Size 1)
- Added new component "Orbital Fuel Scoop 5" (Size 2)
- Added new Thulun component "Advanced Hangar Bay" (Size 2)
- Added Hyperwarp Jump Cost to 'Shielded Medical Chamber'
- Rebalanced Sensor Array 1-4
- Fixed issues with Orbital Fuel Scoop Estimates
- Adjusted ship prices for 'Caliga Vindex' and 'Shizari Huntress'