Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #314: Clawing at Lifeline

Update #314: Clawing at Lifeline
Version Date
March 8, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #314: Clawing at Lifeline

Update #313 rounds out some of the orbital Salvage loot tables, improves one of the heroic allies you can get in the game, adds a new rare Zendu relic and fixes some pesky numbers (wrong numbers, not right numbers) in the recently updated Contact Death captain's log entries.

Thanks to everyone posting feedback and suggestions, from the big to the small!

Want more Trese Brothers sci-fi?

We always love seeing how many of you have pieced together the lore of Star Traders from the stories within, and enjoy the flavor of this universe your Captain is a part of. In our next game, we’re telling a very different sci-fi story but with the same depth we bring to all our worlds. Check out the dark-future feel of our upcoming cyberpunk heist RPG, and wishlist it today!

Templar Buffing

If you reach the rare air of the late era epic boss battles and find yourself side by side with a Templar Leviathan, know that its armor is stronger with higher Hardness and Ballistic % to help is soak up Damage and live up to its place in the lore.

Mid-level Medical Relics

To further balance out the loot tables within the orbital Salvage operation, we've added 3 new defensive mid-level gear. These are more common to find with regular Salvage Gear cards, making the Dermlink Weave, Orgin Plate, Inkscale Mesh all pretty good options to perhaps replace expensive gear you might have instead purchased at from a Contact.

Rare Deathward

The Zendu Deathward is a rare find when Salvaging but its powerful bonuses will help any who bear it stave off deaths and pass those cursed Death Saves.

Contact Death Logs

Some of the Contact Death logs were including some really weird numbers. Some were really big, some were really small, all of them were wrong. We've fixed it! Thanks to everyone report this issue.

v3.3.33 - 3/7/2023

- Buffed Templar Leviathan's armor (Exemplar Command) Hardness, Ballistic
- Added Medical Relics (Level 4) Dermlink Weave, Orgin Plate, Inkscale Mesh
- Added Ultra Rare Relic, Zendu Deathward (Level 10)
- Clarified Contact Death Log Entries
- Data handling performance improvements, fixed reported typos & crashes