Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #315: Commodities Trader

Update #315: Commodities Trader
Version Date
March 29, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #315: Commodities Trader

Update #315 rolls out a list of community-driven enhancements. A huge thanks to everyone posting their feedback, frustrations and questions to the Steam forums and to Discord to help us keep improving. This update has an especially helpful update to Mission icons as well as a key refinement of the ship comparison report that was throwing many players and selling them on their engine superiority when it might not really be the case. Here's Update #315, let's check it out!

I'm sure when we get to Update #400, you'll know that we're serious about this game :P

Keep this game growing!

After five years of updates, Star Traders has received a lot of love, long past release. To keep it going, Andrew & I rely on two things: reviews for this game, and wishlists for our next! Reviews for Star Traders keep the game visible on Steam, please write a few words for us if you have a minute.

Meanwhile, wishlists for our upcoming cyberpunk heist RPG help us plan for the studio’s future (which includes future Star Traders games 😉). If turn-based squad tactics, creative stealth & hacking, and a unique 23rd-century dark future world sound like your thing, add to your wishlist today!

Cargo and Stash Icons

Cargo and Stash Missions now display the required cargo icon above the mission step! This is a huge help for everyone doing these types of missions as you can both skim the mission with overall less reading but you're less likely to accidentally buy the wrong cargo as well. Thanks to everyone making these great suggestions in the community!

Engine Comparison

The ship encounter report about the enemy ship mistakenly used the regular math (that which is appropriate for big dice pools like Attack and Defense) when discussing your Engine's Agility and Speed stats. We've now made significant improvements to the comparison of Engine stats so that the displayed bonuses are very specific and match the game rules exactly as you'd find them on the wiki. This should be a big help in understanding how your Engine stats affect your outcomes and when you truly outclass an enemy or not.

Sneaky Enemy Craft Pilots

With the help of some sharp players, we discovered a rare issue where enemy craft pilots on a Flight Plan could be forced into boarding crew combat defending their ship. This case where they were in 2 places at once is unfair and problematic – because after the combat they are dead but … flying a craft?

The fix is simple - to remove them from the list of viable defenders during a boarding operation!

Talent Fixes

There were some inconsistencies in post-combat Talents being overly available during post-boarding – where Macabre Harvest and Genetic Sequencing could appear unfairly even if the character who owned them was not in the boarding party and the boarding did not occur at range 1. We have now fixed Post Boarding Talents to ensure that the list is always accurate to who was in the party, reducing these unfair advantages. Your Scientist and Xeno Hunter are going to have to work harder for their Intel and Artifacts!

At the same time we also resolved an issue where the Scientist's Genetic Sequencing might not always create Scientific Intel after xeno battle.

And finally, we have added a missing SFX to Shock Trooper's "Stand Strong" Talent – that's nice.

v3.3.35 - 3/29/2023

- Cargo and Stash Missions now display the required cargo icon above the mission step
- Improved Ship Encounter comparison of Engine stats (Speed/Agility) to be very specific about game bonuses
- Added missing SFX for Shock Trooper's "Stand Strong" Talent
- Fixed rare issue where enemy craft pilots on a Flight Plan could be forced into boarding crew combat
- Fixed issue with Genetic Sequencing not always creating Scientific Intel after xeno battle
- Fixed Post Boarding Talent inconsistencies where Macabre Harvest and Genetic Sequencing could appear incorrectly