Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #332: Duranium Gleam

Update #332: Duranium Gleam
Version Date
Dec. 16, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #332: Duranium Gleam

Update #332 hits across the game's systems with new crew armor, new ship components, new dangerous enemy captains in powerful ships, and even more excitement around the Black Market.
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New Crew Armor

Powerful new salvage crew armor has dropped with Update #332, boasting a straight +4 Initiative buff. This level 8 armor is rare and hard to find but it wastes no time, go straight for speed over protection.

Duranium Coating

The gleam of Duranium coating never looked better, with 2 new Coatings now available. At Duranium Coating II and III, are capable of reducing ship damage during orbital operations - Patrol, Salvage, Spy and Blockade - by up to 40%, Now adding extra points of Armor and Shielding each, as well as 5% or 7% Void or Radiation Res, these are now some of the most all-arounder defensive components you can purchase. They do not come cheap and demand a medium slot but are powerful additions to your ship's protection as well as orbital activities.

Along with their price, all components that are made out of rare and excotic metals, such as - Duranium, Ferrochronmium, Iridlaentine - all now demand higher Starport ratings (6, 7 or 8) to match the types of worlds where such things can be processed.

Acheron Sighted - Beware!

High level enemy who are flying for a faction military may now appear in the Acheron Battlecarrier, kitted with craft and all of its bristling weaponry and defenses. Beware, a new powerful super-carrier is on the lose in the void to give your high level captains a run for their spice.

Leo Upgrade

As one of the flagships of the Thulun navy, we've upgraded the starting components of the Leo Battlecruiser to use even more Thulun specific components. As the component list continues to expand, there are more and more components specifically from their faction to round out an entire ship. The Leo Battlecruiser, the pride of the Thulun naval shipyards.

Black Market Power Center

Black Markets have gained a number of useful boosts in Update #332.
  • Charisma now has an even bigger effect on access cards in the Black Market, increasing the impact of the Attribute by 50% and is particularly effective at reducing the chance of the worst cards in the Market
  • We're continuing to further connect Black Market to Rumors so have again boosted and improved its card set during UCF Riots, Pirates, Ion Storms and Spice Festivals Rumors. Such Rumors can basically guarantee that there are excellent Access cards in every hand.
  • Finally, if a Contact is granted additional Influence due to a Black Market card, there is now a special simulation rule that may allow them to take an immediate Contact action. This can help further empower the Contacts through which you are reaching the Black Market as they may assassinate an enemy, purchase a powerful Rumor, spread that Influence out to their allies or more

Our new turn-based tactics RPG!

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint, our stealth & squad tactics heist RPG, launched into Steam Early Access and how is marching to Update #30 as it battles through its ambitious public roadmap. We've just completed the three major roadmap milestone with the Hacker's Nest, Proc-Gen Missions for endless play, and Custom Difficulty (and the ability to change difficulty during play). If you're looking for a story rich, squad-based RPG, take a minute to follow, wishlist or try Cyber Knights!

All support for Cyber Knights ultimately results in a brighter future for Star Traders, so hope you’ll check it out and spread the word!

v3.3.75 - 12/15/2023

- New Crew Armor: Chaos Weave (Level 8, +4 Init)
- New Ship Components: Duranium Coating II, Duranium Coating III
- Faction Military Officer Captains can now appear in the Acheron Battlecarrier
- Updated Leo Battlecruiser to use even more Thulun-specific components
- Black Market Access is substantially easier during UCF Riots, Pirates, Ion Storms and Spice Festivals
- Increased the effect of Captain Charisma on Black Market cards by 50%
- Allow Contacts to take immediate action (buy Rumors, assassinate enemies) on some Black Market Influence gains
- Fixed Duranium, Ferrochronmium, Iridlaentine to all require high Starport Rating
- Fixed reports typos and crashes, fixed 2 performance issues for Intel GPU