Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers Update #334: Layered Plating

Update #334: Layered Plating
Version Date
Dec. 29, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #334: Layered Plating

Update #334 continues to expand the sweep of core components for fuel extenders, rebalances how fuel extenders play out in the armored ship meta, improves Shocktrooper's Deepstrike Detonator to target ship's weapons and makes a key negative Salvage card even worse (watch the engine, ye dogs!)

We also have the best price of the year going on with 50% off during Winter Sale! So tell a friend and leave a review!

Cyber Knights is getting lots of updates too!

If you haven’t checked it out in a bit, our new game Cyber Knights: Flashpoint is evolving fast in Early Access. In December, we added proc-gen missions and custom difficulty options that let you control everything from the economy to any time pressure. Now, the latest update has added 6 new cool hairstyles and new types of military gear your corrupt cop allies are willing to "fall off the back of the truck" for you, for a price.

All support for Cyber Knights ultimately results in a brighter future for Star Traders, so hope you’ll check it out and spread the word!

Water-Fuel Rebalancing

All ship components that provide bonuses to Water-Fuel are no longer considered armored components. That means they will no longer have the increased soaking in cascading damage (even when over 60%) to other components. These types of fuel extenders were masquerading as armored/protection components and getting too much of a boost out of it.

Also, we've repriced the Large Fuel Tank ship component to make it more competitive within its progression.

New Fuel Tank 7 and Water-Fuel Reclamation 5

With Update #334, two new core components have been released to the high-end starports of the world. Those boasting 8 Starport and 8 Economy can now sell Fuel Tank 7 and Water-Fuel Reclamation 5.

Note that neither the new Fuel Tank nor Water-Fuel Reclamation count as armored components any longer, as noted above.

Deepstrike Detonator

The Shocktrooper's Deepstrike Detonator has been rebalanced with this update to be more targeted, specifically focusing on destroying the enemy ship's weapons instead of regular components. This plays to the aggressive and all-out-attack style of the shocktrooper, sent in to destroy the enemy's offensive capabilities.

Salvage Risks

The risks for your ship's engine when Salvaging have just gotten worse. While the card cannot take your ship's Engine out entirely, it now has more power to significantly damage it. Salvaging is always a high risk and high reward opportunity, but now if you are in unfriendly territory without a good starport nearby, it can be even more dangerous. Consider which cards to knock out with your Talents carefully, captain.

We've also fixed some incorrect card art for exploring ice world wild zones.

Thanks to everyone reporting bugs and crashes!

v3.3.79 - 12/30/2023
- Ship Combat: Components that carry Water-Fuel no longer count as Armored
- New Ship Components: Fuel Tank 7, Water-Fuel Reclamation 5
- Repriced 'Large Fuel Tank' Ship Components
- Revised Deepstrike Detonator to target ship's weapons
- Increased severity of "Reactor Accident" Salvage Card (-5)
- Fixed an issue in an ice world wild zone art board
- Fixed reports typos and crashes