Happy holidays and winter sale to you, Star Traders! It is cold out there, so step into the spice hall and warm yourself by the fire of another update and the burning hot discount of 60% off on your favorite star captain RPG simulator. With Update #363, we've added a new type of combat-focused Prow, the Dagger Prow, added a new ultra-heavy Relic Armor, increased Relic drop rates in Salvage, released new high-level components to the AI ship builder, and fixed some minor text displays for maximum Cloaking bonus.
Thanks to all of our captains playing, posting and reviewing as always!
Cyber Knights is 34% off and getting big updates too!
If you haven’t checked it out in a bit, our new game Cyber Knights: Flashpoint coming into its final stretch of Early Access. During November, we added the Gunslinger class (more boom-boom!) and we're hitting our goal of releasing a new mission map every week for 9 weeks running. Now, the latest update to start the Winter Sale added Contact Power Play storylines that can change what your contacts are able to offer/sell in big ways, continuing to push on the dynamically evolving underworld of New Boston.
All support for Cyber Knights ultimately results in a brighter future for Star Traders, so hope you’ll check it out and spread the word!
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1021210/Cyber_Knights_Flashpoint/New Dagger Prow 1-3 Components
The Dagger Prows are built for fast boarding ships with a captain who has one hand on the escape lever and the other on the board-them-to-death button. The Dagger Prows add to the ship pools you need at either end of the Range spectrum - both Escape dice and Boarding dice. In addition, they help provide defense against craft if you are trying to close to boarding range. Made for pirates and small, fast combat ships these Dagger Prows fit better into an Electronics-heavy build and come with significant armor to help soak damage if you do decide to close or can't immediately escape.
New Ultra Heavy Armor + Relic Drop Rates
Only a few other heavy armors can rival the new Stalker Heavy Ops Relic for its sheer ability to soak up punishing damage and only the Exemplar Command can match its 196 Hardness rating. It pays a heavy price in Dodge and Initiative penalty for the extreme nature of its defensive stats, but it is a contender for a main armor for any character who wants to tank on sheer damage soak.
We've improved the relic drop rates for two types of Salvage Rumor - the Abandoned Military Base and Derelict Space Hive, giving each a more focused set of drops and better chances to drop a high-level relic.
Enemy Ship Builder Improvements
As new components continue to filter into the game with updates, we give each of them some time to be tested out by players and the enemy ship captains in our dev builds before releasing them for public circulation. With Update #363, we are now allowing enemy ship builder to create ships using the powerful defensive components Hull Plating 6, Armored Bulkheads 6, and Reinforced Structures 6, all of which will make an enemy ship harder to take down.
Cloaking Bonus Fixes
With this update, we've fixed several places throughout the system where the Cloaking Bonus for ships was not displayed at its full value and accidentally still capped at 25% in the text. This fix now straightens it out on every screen where it is listed.
v3.4.21 - #363 - Dagger Prow Strikes - 12/28/2024
- New Component Type: Dagger Prow (variant of Battle Prow)
- Dagger Prow Components 1-3 now available for installation (player only)
- New Salvage Loot: "Stalker Heavy Ops" Ultra Heavy Armor
- Increased Relic drop rate for "Abandoned Military Orbital"
- Improved Relic drop tables for "Derelict Space Hive"
- AI now uses Hull Plating 6, Armored Bulkheads 6 and Reinforced Structures 6
- Some fixes to how Cloaking bonuses are displayed
- Trying to fix the reported bugs & typos