Templar Battleforce

Templar Battleforce Update #47: New Game+ Patch and Much More

Update #47: New Game+ Patch and Much More
Version Date
Aug. 24, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #47: New Game+ Patch and Much More

This week, we've got an important patch plus a whole log more fun.

If you were starting a New Game+ since the last update, you might have ended up in a situation on the Righteous Fallen where no one will talk to you. If that is the case, go talk to Major Luthor after this update, and he will help you get back on track.

We've added a new Library entry extolling the benefits of -MP armor and buffs in regards to Heat reduction and how they can double-down on burning off Heat.

A new sorting option has gone in to sort your Templars by their type (Captain, Scouts, Soldiers …) in the HQ.

We've cleaned up a few UX issues to improve the game. At the start of a turn, if you have auto-centering option enabled, the game will center on the current Templar.

If you're using Overwatch (… I'd recommend it ;] ) you can now drop it directly on a Templar or an enemy. To switch out of a Templar with Overwatch active, use the Next Templar button, Templar list, or double click on a Templar under the OW template. We'll keep working to improve in this area, let us know how the new scheme works for you!

High level Swords (GL 7+) have gotten some rebalancing, so be sure to check your weaponry.

We've also fixed animation bugs that made Luthor and Nyra look like they were throwing punches instead of swinging their weapons.

v2.4.7 - 8/24/2016
- Fixed issues with New Game+ games: Talk to Luthor
- New Library entry on -MP Armor and Buffs
- New "sort by type" in HQ Veterans list
- Overwatch directly on top of Templar or enemy
- Improved high Gear Level Swords
- Fixed centering on active Templar at start of turn
- Fixed attack animation bugs for Luthor and Nyra
- Fixed formatting issues in HQ New Recruit Screen