Templar Battleforce

Templar Battleforce Update #48: Patch Release

Update #48: Patch Release
Version Date
Aug. 26, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #48: Patch Release

We're putting out a quick patch release to improve the UI pattern of Overwatch, but still keep the new features. The pattern has reverted to the previous pattern – if you are moving the OW template around and you click on another Templar, it will select that Templar. This removes the "stuck like glue" feeling of the OW template that got introduced in the last release.

Now, if you would like to place the OW template on top of a Templar, you can re-activate the Overwatch Talent (its enabled in your Talents bar) and then click to drop the template on a Templar.

We've also added a cue to dialogs to indicate the name of who is talking, fixed a number of typos in the library, and resolved all reported crashes!

v2.4.9 - 8/27/2016
- Improved Overwatch UI pattern, click another Templar to select
- To put Overwatch on another Templar, reselect Talent
- Improved dialog labeling with character cues
- Fixed reported crashes
- Fixed typos, improved library entries