Templar Battleforce

Templar Battleforce Update #55: Rubic 5 Deployment Improvements

Update #55: Rubic 5 Deployment Improvements
Version Date
Oct. 21, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #55: Rubic 5 Deployment Improvements

This week's update features some major improvements to the levels of the Rubic 5 deployment, as well as some exciting quality of life improvements for any level.

First, we've beefed up the regimen of secondary objectives throughout the Rubic 5 deployment. They aren't always easy to reach, but they are now available across the level set.

While we are on the subject of Secondary Objectives, we've improved the victory screen to list the total possible objective count, showing something like 3/3 Secondary Objectives (+15 XP) or 0/3 Secondary Objectives if your Templars were feeling lazy.

Next up, we've removed the Swap limitations that were in place on the two Rubic 5 levels – Infiltration and Detonation Site. For both levels, there is still a limitation in place that you cannot Swap in an Engineer, as both levels are built around achieving an objective to bring in an Engineer through a story event. Still, you can now swap out the Scouts or Soldiers for other any other Templar you want to bring in.

We've made a nice improvement for Ordnance, where the purchasing screen from your Tact Point will list the number of Ordnance you already have in your inventory. This can help your precision when buying and avoid accidental duping.

To mix things up, we've also added new spawning towers to maps across the Rubic campaign. This will give you more control over the spawning map in the levels, having some influence and ability to shut down different spawning vectors.

If you enjoy all the updates, improvements, and continued stream of new content for the game, please leave a review! 55 updates in a year, no paid DLC ever!

v2.4.25 - 10/21/2016
- Improved Rubic 5 deployment maps
- Added 7 new Secondary Objectives throughout deployment
- Added spawning towers to 5 maps across campaign
- When buying Ordnance, count of currently owned Ordnance is shown
- Total possible Secondary Objectives displayed in Victory screen (2/3)
- Fixed Infiltration Site and Detonation Site preventing Swap at start