Templar Battleforce

Templar Battleforce Update #57: Pyro Patches

Update #57: Pyro Patches
Version Date
Nov. 11, 2016

Patch Notes

Update #57: Pyro Patches

Every great and fiery update needs a patch to follow! The Pyro Engineer has rolled onto the scene with great success, but we've closed a few bugs in this follow-up patch.

We've fixed the Pyro's attack animation to be more flamey. We've fixed the labeling of the Flame Tank armor to correctly read "Engineers and Hydras Only". We fixed a bug with the Achievement for getting all of an Engineer's Requisition levels – you'll need to get all of the Flame Tank levels now as well.

We've cleaned up an issue reporting 0 Secondary Objectives on The FLance Boarding March, an odd bug you could get renaming Templars, and some issues with the options screen being finicky.

All set – patches away! Burn baby burn!

v2.5.3 - 11/12/2016
- Fixed bug mis-labeling Flame Tank Armor as Heavy
- Fixed issue with Engineering All-Tech Achievement
- Fixed Secondary Objective count in Ferarai Lance Boarding March
- Improved animation for Pyro Engineer firing hand flamer
- Fixed issues with designer and renaming Templars
- Fixed issues with option menu