Templar Battleforce

Templar Battleforce Update #63: Revving back up

Update #63: Revving back up
Version Date
Feb. 13, 2017

Patch Notes

Update #63: Revving back up

Templars, prepare your weapons! We took a bit of a break from Templar Battleforce updates this month, as we've launched our closed alpha for Star Traders 2, our next game coming to Steam. Now that the alpha is full steam ahead, and we've gotten through the first buggy stretch, we're going to get back to some Battleforce, Heroes, and Star Traders 4X Empires updates.

For Battleforce, this week, we've fixed some bugs in the last boss show down, as well as added a bunch of valuable clarifications to Talent descriptions. Where previously we were relying on icons to indicate specific restrictions, we've added text clarification everywhere ("Flame Tank armor only", etc).

Also, thanks to the players who pointed out some issues with Sensorkit scan – we've improved it as well as clarified some of the bonuses you get over its 10 level arc.

Martin, our artist and youngest brother, is back on the case this month as well and we will see some new character portraits coming up soon.

v2.6.10 - 2/13/2016
- Fixed bug with boss causing invuleranbility to return too quickly
- Clarified all rules about Talents that require special armor or weapon combinations
- Improved balance of Sensorkit Scan and made size of fog reveal clear
- Fixed map bugs and typos