Templar Battleforce

Templar Battleforce Update #79: Armory Upgrade

Update #79: Armory Upgrade
Version Date
Jan. 25, 2018

Patch Notes

Update #79: Armory Upgrade

The Templar mechs march to war and they demand the very best weaponry and armor! Update #79 fills in some of the Gear Level gaps with new and improved weaponry for Captains, Berserks, Soldiers and Paladins.

The Soldier's new Battalion Mk3 Rifle is a Gear Level 7 powerhouse, found under the Grenadier branch of the Soldier's tree. The Warstar Leviathan is a heavy Gear Level 9 armor found under the Leader in the Ranks branch of the Soldier's tree. Finally, the new Dhragen Hammer is a Gear Level 9 alternative to the Obliterator Maul which weighs in at GL 12. Arm up, and release the mechs of war!

We've also fixed a longstanding issue that cause enemy levels to display incorrectly, not taking difficulty into account. That is now resolved in all hovers and right clicks to bring up monster details.

Thanks to the player who pointed out the swap bug in Starport Breach level – now fixed! We're down to one last level that prevents swapping and we're working to resolve that still.

v2.6.47 - 1/25/2017

- Corrected enemy level display issues
- Fixed Swap exploit in Starport Breach level
- Added new Soldier Armor 'Warstar Leviathan'
- Added new weapon 'Battalion Mk3 Rifle'
- Added new weapon 'Dhragen Hammer' 2H Maul
- Fixed dialog issues in Tundeer
- Fixes bugs with menus and right clicks