Templar Battleforce

Templar Battleforce Update #82: Carrion-Hunter + Damage Rebalances

Update #82: Carrion-Hunter + Damage Rebalances
Version Date
March 13, 2018

Patch Notes

Update #82: Carrion-Hunter + Damage Rebalances

This week's update brings a new monster variation to the Narvidian forces as well as making some improvements to different enemies and Talents in regards to special damage values such as Radiation, Plasma and Fire.


A larger, slightly slower and slightly easier to hit drone has been deployed by the Narvidian forces. While the previous Hunter drones closed to melee to engage their burner beams the Carrion-Hunter has a 3 range radiation beam attack. Their seeking sensor beams sweep the area as they move, reading constantly for targets.

While a bit spastic on repeat, the animation below shows the drone dodging out of the way of an incoming attack, all of its sensor beams on alert.

We've made a number of tweaks to the balance of Talents and enemies.

All Radiation-specific type enemies have gained additional Radiation Damage. The value of Radiation Res gear and Talents just ticked up another notch. In response, the Soldier's Lock-Down Talent has gained additional Resistance points at higher levels.

If you raise your Engineer's Capture talent to level 6 or higher, the Heat cost drops to 9 now from 15.

Finally, the Berserk's Kill Strike Talent has gained even more Plasma Damage across all of its levels.

We're looking forward to some more exciting developments over the weekend. Thanks to all of our Templar captains and new players! Welcome to the on-going update stream, all free, no DLCs.

v2.6.53 - 3/8/2017

- Added new Narvidian drone monster variation – Carrion-Hunter with short-range beam attack
- Increased Radiation Damage of Radiation-type monsters (Irradiated Goliath, etc)
- Reduced Heat cost of Engineer's Capture Talent level 6+ to 9 from 15
- Buffed Plasma Dmg on Berserk's Kill Strike Talent
- Buffed Radiation/Flame/Plasma Resist values for Lock-Down Talent level 6+