Templar Battleforce

Templar Battleforce Update #87: Legendary Mk21 and Mk23

Update #87: Legendary Mk21 and Mk23
Version Date
Oct. 31, 2018

Patch Notes

Update #87: Legendary Mk21 and Mk23

Update #87 roars onto the field with two new Neptune Relic weapons – the Dragoon Mk21 and Vright's Mk23. Combined with new Engineer cutter gauntlet and new ordnance that can raise maximum Heat, #87 provides some new options for you precious RQ spend as well as some new strategies for the battlefield.

Neptune Relics

Two new high power and high Gear Level Relics have been added to the RQ tree, each with their own new Requisition node. These newest Repeaters can only be carried by a single Templar but they make up for their rarity in sheer and raw power. The Mk21 drops the mightiest damage while Vright's Mk23 will punch through any enemy deflection!

Engineer Options

The new Engineering Requisition level adds the Burning Cutter, a gauntlet that drops flame damage, capable of leaving spitting and burning napalm in its wake. In addition it includes the Coolant X-Kit, a new Ordnance that packs both Flame Res and +Max Heat Buff.

Finally, we've further balanced a few levels based on player feedback – Southbound Trail is harder, Mok Prime: Drop Zone and Starport Breach both start with more Supply Points for your first Ordnance purchases or immediate swapping.

Thanks to all of our captains for playing and posting!

v2.6.65 - 10/31/2018

- Added 2 new Requisition levels for Neptune, including 2 new relic weapons
- Dragoon Mk21 (RELIC) delivers untold damage at 6 range while Vright's Mk23 packs unstoppable Penetration %
- Added new Requisition level for Engineer, Transition Engineer
- New Burning Cutter gauntlet weapon for Engineer – flame damage, melee build
- New Ordnance from Transition Engineer: Coolant X-Kit adds Flame Res (+24) and Max Heat (+20)
- Increased xeno spawning and resistance to march in Southbound Trail
- Adjusted spawn rates and max enemy caps in Mok: Drop Zone for fairer start
- Increased starting Supply Points (SP) in Mok: Drop Zone and Starport Breach
- Improved routes and paths through hills in Mok Drop Zone scenario
- Neptune's Concentrated Fire Talent now animates multiple shots as if AoE
- Fixed inconsistencies in the RQ tree