Templar Battleforce

Templar Battleforce Update #88: Major Milestone "CLAYMORE"

Update #88: Major Milestone "CLAYMORE"
Version Date
Jan. 28, 2019

Patch Notes

Update #88: Major Milestone "CLAYMORE"

The major milestone CLAYMORE introduces a new style of play for Templar Engineers who can now drop landmines onto the field of battle to bait, slow and detonate oncoming enemies. This new style of defensive play is best matched with other Engineering abilities like Sentry Turrets and can be used by both Flame Engineers and standard Engineer Templars. They can be useful to both hold a defensive perimeter or slow down pursuing enemy forces as your elite strike force of mechs powers forward to an objective.

Two turrets and two landmines form a defensive perimeter around the first Tact Point at Tundeer

Self Destruct Initiated!

Unlike a conventional landmines, the Templar landmine is remote detonated by the command of its Engineer to ensure the most devastating effect. If the landmine's internal systems are compromised beyond a point, it will automatically self-destruct to attempt to take out its attacker as its final action.

Access to the Landmines and their Talents and resupply Ordnance are controlled through a new branch of the Requisition Tree from the Engineer's main trunk. Each level of the Deploy Landmine Talent will increase the total number that can be dropped as well as better their explosive weapon and armor.

The landmines' greatest weakness is those xeno and enemy that can hurl ranged attacks, standing out of their explosive radius and raining down attacks until they self destruct. For these situations, a Landmine's last defense is its Bolt-Seal Talent, a buff that increases its armor and ability to survive hits in trade for some of its Penetration % when it does explode.

Landmines will be most effective when they can survive a few hits and allow a crowd of melee enemies to get in close enough for one big detonation.

The battlefield awaits, captain!

v2.7.1 - 1/28/2018

- Engineers can now drop landmines as a defense perimeter – boom boom!
- Added 5 new levels to the Requisition Tree for Engineers
- Control your landmines to bait and self-destruct against incoming enemy
- Use Landmine's Self-Destruct Talents to inflict devastating damage to nearby enemies
- Used Landmine's Bolt-Seal Talent to lock the mine down and weather the storm from ranged enemies
- If destroyed, landmines self-destructs into the attacking enemy's face
- Added Ordnance for Landmine Resupply
- Grenades now prevent you from throwing them at empty space with no targets