Templar Battleforce

Templar Battleforce Update #90: Refinements

Update #90: Refinements
Version Date
March 29, 2020

Patch Notes

Update #90: Refinements

Update #90 fixes some of the last little issues in the game that have been reported from the player base. We've also notarized the game to improve our Mac OS support.

Reinforced Structures no longer gives more Tact Point HP than listed in the description.

On the Relic front – two weapons have had their icon updated to the relic art and one relic armor that was allowing multiple equips is now working as intended.

We've fixed one Talent description and also fixed an issue that was preventing two of the Captain's debuff Talents from ever stacking.

A huge thanks to everyone playing, leaving a review and leading the charge against the xeno!

v2.7.5 - 3/29/2020

- Mac OS Catalina and Notarization support
- Fixed bugs with Reinforced Structures giving more Tact Point HP than advertised
- Fixed weapon icon for Dragoon Mk21 and Vright's Mk23 Neptune Relics
- Fixed issue where Exemplar Command (RELIC) Armor could be equipped multiple times
- Fixed incorrect description of Heat Sink Talent level 1
- Fixed bug preventing debuffs from Discerning Eye and Fire Commander from stacking