The Void of Deviance

The Void of Deviance 0.1.5


Patch Notes


-The Rewards and Erotic scene access through tasks and works has been readjusted and balanced. The game should not feel grindy anymore (hopefully) and if there is a stat requirement for a scene you'll be notified before you access it instead of the scene playing out while automatically skipping the erotic content. Additionally the cost of each action has been consistently set to 1. Talk option no longer requires Motivation/Energy Points. The whole Talk dialogues has been rewritten.

- Design QoL update: Sylphone is now used through separate buttons to save time on having to open another screen, but sometimes (I guess due to code) buttons work on clicking twice. On top of showing the available daily work, To-Do box can also fast travel you to the work content if you click on the name. In-game Setting button (not Ren'py default options menu) also has a very brief tutorial available. You can check it out before the first Battle with the new character Vael to see how combat works.

- Rebirth Mechanic no longer resets MC's stats or has reputation penalties, but it will still reset your affinity progress with other characters. (If this was not so the game would probably glitch or break the unity and context)

- Tasks can now be done everyday instead of being day specific, only Work content is day specific.
- One scene for = Mary's Task content, Wynn's work content, Isla's Work content has been added
-You can make investments from your laptop to have weekly S.C. and Reputation Revenue. These are permanent upgrades that will unlock additional dialogue and interactions in the future, their current effect is solely income based.

- 6 New Original Soundtrack have been added.
- (This mechanic was very difficult for me and I'm still trying to figure it out, I hope you won't be frustrated as it is not polished. The game itself is not yet polished actually I guess.) Two very small text interactions have been added, one for Susan and one for Astrid. Talk to Susan with the talk option and she will be added as a content. On the first saturday after that she will send you a basic text. Astrid is added as a contact once you open her chat window, and after you view her "Change of Tides" Bondage scene and start calling her Mistress, you have 1/4 chance of receiving a text from her per day to initiate a small scene.

- The Main Storyline Content : A scene that explores more of the lore of the island has been added. You will be shown the location on the map once you just pass the day. After viewing the scene, going to the same location will start a battle with Vael.

-The Battle Mechanic. It is a new mechanic necessary for the main plot, I think it is explained sufficiently in the game tutorial. It's fairly simple, yet you're not supposed to win without being max possible level yet. Even then it should be fairly hard I guess? It is because Stat upgrade to other tiers and Max health, Max Motivation upgrade choices will be added in the next update.

-The Event at Equilibrium Institute: It is the main erotic content of this update and it is available after day 19, every Friday.