Beginning with the month of September and each month through December, the Trading Post will be introducing new transmogs sets and new transmog weapon sets specific to each class. Each armor set comes with three pieces: helm, shoulder, and belt, and each weapon set comes with 3 weapons to match each discipline—with the exception of Druids having 4 and Demon Hunters with 2.
You’ll be able to purchase these items with any class character to add to your transmog collection. Keep in mind that only the intended class will be able to use the armor set transmogs and weapon set transmogs. Armor sets will be available to purchase for 450 Trader’s Tender each, and weapon sets will be available to purchase for 500 Trader’s Tender each. Here’s what you can look forward to in the months ahead.
Armaments of the Light Avenger: Club of the Light Avenger (1-Hand Mace), Hammer of the Light Avenger (2-Hand Mace), Kite of the Light Avenger (Shield)
Secrets of the Unnamed Cult: Scepter of the Unnamed Cult (1-Hand Mace), Libram of the Unnamed Cult (Off-Hand), Staff of the Unnamed Cult (Staff)
Blood Onyx Blades: Blood Onyx Shortblade (1-Hand Sword), Blood Onyx Serrated Edge (Dagger), Blood Onyx Impaler (Dagger)
Webbed Saronite Weaponry: Webbed Saronite Eviscerator (1-Hand Sword), Webbed Saronite Greataxe (2-Hand Axe), Webbed Saronite Devourer (2-Hand Sword)
Nathreza Blasphemer’s Glaives: Nethreza Blasphemer’s Wingglaive (Warglaive), Nathreza Blasphemer’s Warglaive (Warglaive)
Ashamane’s Blessings of Rebirth: Ashamane’s Claws of Rebirth (Fist Weapon), Ashamane’s Blade of Rebirth (Dagger), Ashamane’s Crescent of Rebirth (Staff), Ashamane’s Jewel of Rebirth (Staff)
Possessed Watcher Arsenal: Possessed Watcher Fan (Fist Weapon), Possessed Watcher Bloom (Staff), Possessed Watcher Keg (Staff)
Instruments of the Alluring Call: Flayer of the Alluring Call (Dagger), Effigy of the Alluring Call (Off Hand), Caduceus of the Alluring Call (Staff)
Savage Champion’s Aggression: Savage Champion’s Gladius (1-Hand Sword), Savage Champion’s Disemboweler (2-Hand Sword), Savage Champion’s Thorns (Shield)
Treasure of the Silver Hoarder: Saber of the Silver Hoarder (1-Hand Sword), Flames of the Silver Hoarder (Off Hand), Flight of the Silver Hoarder (Staff)
Hornstrider Warrior's Preference: Hornstrider’s Warrior’s Pride (Bow), Hornstrider’s Warrior’s Harpooner (Gun), Hornstrider Warrior’s Serrator (Polearm)
Battle Magister’s Enchantments: Battle Magister’s Scimitar (1-Hand Sword), Battle Magister’s Scepter (Off Hand), Battle Magister’s Shard (Staff)
Tools of Krag'wa's Executor: Hatchet of Krag’wa’s Executor (1-Hand Axe), Talons of Krag’wa’s Executor (Fist Weapon), Safeguard of Krag’wa’s Executor (Shield)
Make sure you plan accordingly and save your Trader’s Tender for the sets and weapons you want to collect most!